2023 Biodiversity Symposium
Over 100 participants explored biodiversity in the tri-state Narragansett Bay region during this free, day-long symposium hosted by the Narragansett Bay Estuary Program. Speakers took the audience on a wildlife foray from forested uplands to Rhode Island Sound. Throughout the day, highlighted challenges and opportunities for biodiversity conservation in a changing world.
Wild Things in the Narragansett Bay Region
Friday, October 6, 2023 | 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Roger Williams University, Bristol, RI
Event Summary
Download the Wild Things in the Narragansett Bay Region event summary for a synopsis of the event, speaker and organization contact information, and ways to get involved.
Presentation Recordings
Wild Things in the Narragansett Bay Region Symposium (Morning Sessions)
Wild Things in the Narragansett Bay Region Symposium (Afternoon Sessions)
Darcy Young, Interim Executive Director, Narragansett Bay Estuary Program: “Wild Things in the Narragansett Bay Region” (presentation recording); Presentation PDF
David Gregg, Executive Director, Rhode Island Natural History Survey: “Save the Actors AND the Stage: Importance of Species Conservation” (presentation recording); Presentation PDF
John Waldman, Research Scientist, Queens College, City University of New York: “Shifting Baselines for Diadromous Fish and Freshwater-Saltwater Connectivity” (presentation recording); Presentation PDF
Conor McManus, Chief, Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management - Marine Fisheries: “Marine Ecology and Fisheries in Narragansett Bay” (presentation recording); Presentation PDF
Deirdre Robinson, Co-Director, Saltmarsh Sparrow Research Initiative: “Biophilia and the Salt Marsh Sparrow” (presentation recording); Presentation PDF
Sara Grady, Senior Coastal Ecologist, Mass Audubon: “The Oldest Blue Bloods - Horseshoe Crab Ecology and Management” (presentation recording); Presentation PDF
Carolyn Mostello, Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife: “Restoration of Tern Nesting Habitat at Bird Island, Massachusetts” (presentation recording); Presentation PDF
Jody King, fisher and educator: “The Life of a Quahogger” (presentation recording)
John Marsland, President, Blackstone River Watershed Council/Friends of the Blackstone, with Nancy Garcia, Member of the Narragansett Indian Tribe, and Stefanie Covino, Program Manager of the Blackstone Watershed Collaborative: “Fish Passage on the Kittacuck (Blackstone) River” (presentation recording); Presentation PDF
Brian Basterache, Environmental Conservation Department Chairman, Bristol County Agricultural School: “Head-Starting as a Conservation Tool” (presentation recording); Presentation PDF
Corey Pelletier, Fisheries Biologist, Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management - Fish & Wildlife: “Native Brook Trout in Rhode Island and the Ecosystems They Represent” (presentation recording); Presentation PDF
Lou Perrotti, Director of Conservation Programs, Roger Williams Park Zoo: “The 29-year Effort to Establish the American Burying Beetle (Nicrophorus americanus Olivier) to Nantucket Island, Massachusetts” (presentation recording); Presentation PDF
Kate McPherson, Narragansett Bay Riverkeeper, Save the Bay: “Lazy Landscaping: How One Homeowner Put Off Yard Work Long Enough to Support a Robust and Growing Bloodroot Population” (presentation recording); Presentation PDF
David Hibbett, Andrea B. & Peter D. Klein Distinguished Professor, Clark University: “Population Genetics and developing of the "Tiger Sawgill", a semi-aquatic mushroom of riparian forests” (presentation recording); Presentation PDF
Numi Mitchell, The Conservation Agency: “Narragansett Bay Coyote Study” (presentation recording); Presentation PDF
Katie Burns, Katie Burns, Pollinator Atlas Entomologist, RIDEM - Fish & Wildlife: “The Rhode Island Pollinator Atlas: Conserving and Celebrating Insect Pollinators through Community Science” (presentation recording); Presentation PDF
Event program
Download the Wild Things in the Narragansett Bay Region event program for presentation abstracts, speaker bios, and more.