Explore the Science



Working Groups


 Learn more about work we’re convening with Narragansett Bay region experts

These are results-driven groups of scientists and practitioners focused on information exchange,
coordination, and decision making around priority multi-state research needs, management options, and wicked problems in our region.

Current Working Groups


Coastal Urban Waters Research Collaborative

These collaboratives aim to understand urban estuarine ecosystems to provide insight for managing resources, restoring habitats, and ensure resilience to climate change


Macroalgae Working Group

Macroalgae is an important component of the region’s ecosystem. This group will provide regional coordination and improve our understanding of macroalgae.


Fishermen’s Observations Working Group

Fishermen collect observations about the water every day. This group is exploring how best to integrate fishermen’s observations into ecological monitoring.


Social Science
Working Group

Environmental systems are human systems. This group is working to leverage social science for planning, tracking, management, and implementation in our region.


Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV)

Working Group

Widespread before the ‘30s, seagrasses have declined dramatically in the Bay. This group aims to standardize monitoring, improve coordination, and translate the latest science.


Salt Marsh Restoration, Assessment, & Monitoring Program (RAMP)

Salt Marsh RAMP brings agencies and organizations together to preserve Rhode Island’s salt marshes for future generations.


Water Clarity

Working Group

Water clarity is an indicator of how much light penetrates through the water to support growth of seagrasses, phytoplankton, and macroalgae, which in turn provide food for fish, shellfish, and other animals.


Past Convenings


State of the Blackstone Watershed - Workshop

In this inaugural 2019 workshop, participants discussed the history and status of the Blackstone River; challenges and successes; and mobilizing for watershed resilience.


State of the Taunton Watershed - Workshop

NBEP and Resilient Taunton Watershed Network hosts celebrated partnerships with Local Champion Awards and a Networking Fair. Speakers discussed the major impacts to the Taunton River and Mount Hope Bay.


Status and Trends Research Webinar

This September 2018 webinar covered the process for developing 24 indicators for the 2017 Technical Report – steps taken, partnerships, outcomes, and lessons learned.


Narragansett Bay and Watershed - Workshop

The official roll-out of the 2017 State of Narragansett Bay and Its Watershed report, including keynote speakers, expert panels, and a shout-out by Stephen Colbert.