Macro to Microplastic in Narragansett Bay
The goal of this full-day event, held at Roger Williams University on October 7, 2022, was to convene researchers, environmental advocates, resource managers, and the public to explore the current science of plastic in the Narragansett Bay region, from source to sea. Fifteen speakers and seventy-one event attendees discussed local sources of plastic pollution, impacts of plastic pollution on Narragansett Bay habitats and wildlife, and next steps for local research on plastic pollution.
An event summary, presentation recordings, and the event program are available below.
2022 NBEP Science Event
Workshop Summary
The Macro to Microplastic in Narragansett Bay workshop summary is now available for download.
Presentation Recordings
Click on the links below to view presentation recordings, or scroll down to the next section for full event recordings. Links open in YouTube.
Welcome, Margaret Everett, Provost, Roger Williams University
“Narragansett Bay Estuary Program: Our Work and Our Place,” Mike Gerel, Executive Director, Narragansett Bay Estuary Program
Framing the day
“State-Level Plastics Advocacy in Rhode Island,” Jed Thorp, Rhode Island State Director, Clean Water Action
“Then As Now: How Plastics' Histories Can Inform Present Efforts to Reduce Future Plastic Pollution,” Rebecca Altman, Author and Sociologist
“Managing Micro- and Macro-Plastics: Lessons Learned from California State Agencies,” Scott Coffin, Research Scientist, California State Water Resources Control Board
Panel discussion with Jed Thorp, Rebecca Altman, and Scott Coffin
Where do we find plastic in the region?
“Textiles and Microplastics,” Martin Bide, Emeritus Professor, University of Rhode Island
"Recycling in Rhode Island," Madison Burke, Education and Outreach Manager, Rhode Island Resource Recovery
"The Impact of Plastic Debris on Narragansett Bay Commission Sewer System,” Chris Dracoules, Interceptor Maintenance Assistant Manager, Narragansett Bay Commission
"Cleaning Up Rhode Island's Shoreline - Advocacy Perspectives," July Lewis, Volunteer and Internship Manager, Save the Bay
"Trash Free Mystic," Sushant Harsha Bajracharya, Mystic Ambassador, Mystic River Watershed Association
Panel discussion with Martin Bide, Madison Burke, Chris Dracoules, July Lewis, and Sushant Harsha Bajracharya
How is plastic impacting the environment?
"Marine Plastic Pollution within the Waters of Narragansett Bay,” Andrew Davies, Associate Professor, University of Rhode Island
“Sediment Microplastic Research at the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency,” Kay Ho, Research Scientist, US EPA Atlantic Ecology Division
"Interactions and Impacts of Microplastics on Marine Organisms,” Coleen Suckling, Assistant Professor, University of Rhode Island
“Microbes Matter: a Focus on the Unseen, Sublethal Aspects of Microplastics Pollution and its Impact on Narragansett Bay Corals,” virtual presentation delivered by Koty Sharp, Associate Professor, Roger Williams University
Panel discussion with Andrew Davies, Kay Ho, and Coleen Suckling
What now? Expanding the community of practice
"URI Plastics COLAB,” Vinka Oyanedel Craver, Professor & Assoc. Dean of Research, University of Rhode Island
Audience discussion on expanding the community of practice and reducing plastic pollution
Event program
Download the Macro to Microplastic in Narragansett Bay event program.
Related news coverage
“Dangers of Plastic Pollution Energize Citizens and Scientists as Lawmakers Devise Controls.” EcoRI News, October 31, 2022
“Our Clothes are Sending Microplastics into Nature. Science and Industry are Gearing Up to Fight Back.” EcoRI News, January 2, 2023