Salt Marsh
Restoration, Assessment, & Monitoring Program (RAMP)
Regional Coordination
Salt marshes provide nursery grounds, storm and flooding protections, and filter polluted runoff. This group will work to coordinate research, management, and restoration.
Mission: Multiple agencies and organizations with differing missions and mandates work efficiently and collaboratively towards the goal of preserving coastal wetland throughout Rhode Island.
History: The Salt Marsh Restoration, Assessment, and Monitoring Program is formalizing a decades-long cooperation between multiple federal, state, local, non-profit, and academic agencies to restore, assess, and monitor salt marshes throughout Rhode Island.
Key Materials
Scroll down to meetings to find agendas and other meeting materials for each event.
Rhode Island Coastal Wetland Restoration Strategy
Strategy for Developing a Salt Marsh Monitoring Program
MarshRAM Users Guide 2022
MarshRAM Final Report 2019
Upcoming Meetings
Click events for meeting materials.
Past Meetings
Click events for meeting materials.