Macroalgae Research & Monitoring
in Narragansett Bay
The Narragansett Bay Estuary Program (NBEP) and the Northeast Algal Society are partnering to host a half-day meeting to discuss macroalgae research and monitoring in Narragansett Bay.
Macroalgae are positioned at the base of marine foods and provide habitat and natural products that, directly or indirectly, contribute to the local culture and economy. During the meeting, attendees will discuss current macroalgal research, monitoring, and management concerns in the region (inclusive of Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Massachusetts).
The objective are:
Learn about current research and research needs in the Narragansett Bay region
Learn about current monitoring and monitoring needs in the Narragansett Bay region
Strengthen the network of researchers and managers focused on macroalgae
Create avenues for local experts to work with management agencies to create or implement policies regarding macroalgae
Macroalgae Research & Monitoring
in Narragansett Bay
Friday, April 5, 2024 | 12:00PM - 5:00PM
The Commons, Roger Williams University, 1 Old Ferry Rd., Bristol, RI
Meeting Notes & Actions
Check out the shared drive with the presentations, notes, and attendance
Event Registration
Please register through Google.
Lunch & Networking
Private Dining Room, The Commons, Roger Williams University
Meeting Opening & Group Introductions
Facilitator: Courtney Schmidt (NBEP)
Management Needs: Pat Barrett & JA Macfarlan (RIDEM): Matt Griffin (Saltbox Sea Farm); Azure Cygler (RI Sea Grant)
Current Monitoring: Carol Thornber (URI); Gabbie Kuba (URI); Wally Fulweiler (BU)
Current Research: Autumn Oczkowski (US EPA); Brian Wysor (RWU); Craig Schneider (Trinity College)
Group Discussion
Facilitated discussion on needs, gaps, and next steps.
Facilitators: Courtney Schmidt & Darcy Young (NBEP)