Water Clarity

Working Group


Interdisciplinary Collaboration

Water clarity is an indicator of how much light penetrates through the water to support growth of seagrasses, phytoplankton, and macroalgae, which in turn provide food for fish, shellfish, and other animals. This group will assist NBEP in addressing public questions and concerns about water clarity.


Mission: Ensure NBEP reports water clarity status and trends in a defensible, consistent, and repeatable manner, including by identifying data gaps and facilitating filling those gaps

Objective: Serve as a community of practice for water clarity data collectors/practitioners


Key Materials

Scroll down to meetings to find agendas and other meeting materials for each event.

2022 Water Clarity Indicator Update

2021 Working Group Wrap up & Next Steps

Meetings Overview

Water Clarity Sources




 Upcoming Meetings

Click events for meeting materials.

Past Meetings

Click events for meeting materials.