Planning for Equity
We promise to energize our partnership to elevate and amplify justice, equity, and humanity in the Narragansett Bay region.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Justice Evaluation
In 2022 the Narragansett Bay Estuary Program completed an 18-month Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (DEIJ) Assessment where we listened, learned, and then committed to taking specific actions to help address environmental injustice in our region. We are prioritizing these six actions:
Attend events in underserved communities to build relationships.
Assure recruitment for staff and interns targets applicants in underserved areas.
Fairly compensate community members who bring their insights to our programs.
Provide mapping tools to highlight where environmental justice areas are located.
Offer dependable financial support to those with agency to develop projects in underserved areas.
Require consideration of EJ impacts in our grant applications and review subcommittee scoring.
We will use a DEIJ Subcommittee made up of Steering Committee and community members to guide our work moving forward.
See the links for below for more information on our assessment process and results.
Environmental Justice Pre-Survey Interview Questions
Environmental Justice Survey Questions
External: Community Member Survey Results